About the Authors
B.L. Craig is the pen name for married writers Brandy Todd and Lorne Craig.
The AfterLife Trilogy is their first foray into serious fiction. The couple lives in Eugene, Oregon with their teenage son, the most obnoxious cat in the universe, and eight trained rodents.
Yes, the rodents are much better behaved than the cat, or the teenage for that matter.
Brandy Todd holds a Master’s in Public Administration and a PhD in Educational Leadership. She is an Old SLUG Queen (never former, once a Queen, always a Queen, darling) , trainer of robot car racing rodents, blogger, and ninja level jig-saw puzzler.
In her professional life she researches science education motivation in middle-school aged girls.
Lorne Craig is a redneck raconteur with a talent for improvisational song lyrics and bawdy limericks.
He likes reading, board games, Dungeons & Dragons, home improvement, and caffeinated beverages.
In his professional life Lorne tells other people how to make stuff. Then they make the stuff. It’s a good thing.